Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Name of God

My mother asked me to type this up and get it on paper somewhere, so here it is. Ladies and Gentleman....the name of God.

By way of explanation, I have been studying the Hebrew language for at least three years. Recently, the actual meaning of God's name has intrigued me.

The Jews, well, they have long since forgotten God's name. See, they believe that His name is holy. It is. But they think it is SO HOLY that you can't even pronounce it. When writing copies of the Torah, by hand,  they have this whole ritual process they have to go through every time they write His name. They can't even TRY to pronounce it. So, what the Rabbis will write is called the tetragrammaton. It consists of four Hebrew letters: YHVH. Many people say it's YHWH, but there is no "w" in Hebrew. the letter is called a vav, and it is pronounced "vuh." YHVH. Yod, hey, vav, hey. Those are the names of the letters. Problem? They took the vowels out. All consonants, no vowels. They never use 'em. So now the geniuses don't even know what the vowels even are!

Enter me, trying to find the name of God.

Yod. Hey. Vav. Hey. The four letters that spell out a cosmic code that will not only blow your mind, but give you PROOF that God had a plan from the dawn of time to save us. Don't believe me? Watch this. (Does backflip) Here we go. Oh, and really quick, it's not Jehovah. There is no "j" in Hebrew. Sorry, Jehovah's witnesses.
This is what it looks like.   


The letter on the far right is the yod. (Hebrew reads from right to left.) The letters all make the sound of the first letter in there name. Yod is y. Hey is h. Vav is v. Hey, is still h.

In Paleo Hebrew, which works in pictograms, each letter had a meaning. Like hieroglyphs. So, yod (the little squiggly guy) signifies a closed hand, a work or a deed done. The Hey, to the left of that, signifies the word "lo" or "behold!" The vav signifies a nail or peg, and signifies joining two things together. It is the sixth letter and denotes labor or a task.

All together, that is: (Read it like Spanish, Hebrew seems backward to us).


"Lo, the work and deed is done! Behold, the nails and pegs, the labor complete!"

Now, that is powerful. God's very name is a tribute to the sacrifice of His Son.

But of course, it is His NAME. Why stop there? The guy is a genius! So I went deeper.

The yod and the hey together in context means essentially; "His presence revealed." The yod in the context means "His presence" while the hey means in context; "His breath." Essentially "His presence manifested as his breath." The vav means to join two into one. The last hey is feminine in nature, coming at the end of the word, and going back to the behold, it in this case actully means "revealed" or "manifestation." But, it denotes joining in union, similar to the joining of Adam and Eve, that's basically what it means. Like a marital joining. A Covenant revelation..... we have the prophecy of the bride of Christ:

"His presence manifests in His breath (Us; He breathed us to life from the dust) as two join into one as one manifestation or revelation." 

(Get it? Revelation? As in the book? God is so cool!)

And deeper still.

The Bible refers to God as yah a lot. Yah sayeth. Every time you see LORD in all caps, that's where the tetragrammaton was used. David calls God Yah. Just Yah. So we have the patach, the vowel that basically looks like an underscore _, and under a letter (Yod in this case) makes and 'ah' sound. Yah.

Then what about the VH? Well, I found that when God said I AM that I AM, He meant it. Meaning, when God told Moses to say to Israel, "I AM has sent me to you" the reason that worked out is because in Hebrew, I AM is translated Yaveh. Or in this case, yahveh. It means, "He breaths" Or "He exists."

When Jesus told the pharisees "Before Abraham was, I AM" Do you think they just randomly tried to kill him? No. He had spoken the unpronounceable name of God.

God's name is:



Well, there you have it. The name of God. I'll be writing more soon, so hang in there ;)

"Assuredly I say to you, before Abraham was, YAHVEH."
 Jesus Christ