Thursday, July 11, 2013

True independence

HERE in the United states, each and every year, we celebrate our independence and freedom from tyranny on July 4th, the date that the declaration of independence was signed and the Liberty bell first tolled deliverance from injustice, misrepresentation, and subjection. Other countries celebrate their independence as well, on days such as Cinco De Mayo (Mexico), Canada day (Canada), and Gwangbokjeol (South Korea).

But what does true independence really mean? And is it always a good thing?

This 4th of July, me and my family, along with some good friends, went to the local swimming pool to eat, play, swim, sing patriotic songs and watch some fireworks. We had a good time, the food was great, the fireworks were excellent, and the guest singers were amazing.
There was only one problem.

At about 7 PM, as the sun was going down, a small child, just 3 years old, drowned.

He died in the hospital two days later.

I ask that you pray for his family, but I also want to make a point. This kid had total independence. His parents were at the other side of the large pool, the lifeguards went off duty at five, and the worst part is, he was reportedly in a wrestling match with his brother, who was twice as old, big, and strong as him. I'm not going to point fingers, but seriously?

But of course, nothing like that could happen to you. Or so many people would tell you.

This happens all the time here in the United States, partially, I think, because we as a country feel ourselves immortal, because we lack sense of responsibility, because what little authority and responsibility we have left is being stripped from us and our parents by schools, media and the "All seeing eye" Of the government. They call this the land of the free-but most leave out the home of the brave. We are certainly free, and we are certainly brave. But maybe a little too brave.

People would tell us that the meaning of true bravery, of true independence is the right to do whatever we want, whenever we want it. But that's not what God says. The Bible says in Genesis 3 that we ate of the tree and were cast out of the garden. What happened there? And another common question, why was the tree even there in the first place?

Let me tell you. God put that tree in the Garden of Eden because He wanted us to have free will. The ability to make our own choices.  So God obviously wants us to have independence. But not too much. Independence can be a good thing, but too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. So God, and later our government, set laws and governments in place to make sure that freedom was not inhibited, but given boundaries that we might comfortably spread our wings in without hurting yourself and/or others. But there are times when those boundaries become so tight that they do inhibit growth, change, and and independence, which is why our country is here in the first place.

Notice I use the word independence, not freedom. Freedom may be easier to say, but it's just not the right word to describe what I'm getting at here. See, when someone says that they are free, it means they are no longer subject to whatever they are free from. Independence is to be non-dependent on something. It means we still follow rules, we still take orders, we still behave like normal citizens. But we are not dependent on those laws, governments or orders to survive, to thrive. It's kind of like a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces are independent pieces, individual pieces. But they create, when assembled properly, a beautiful picture. But you can still just manage to make out the individual pieces, right? Because though they are independent, they can "Join hands" so to speak to create something better.
There are times when we are free, to speak, to have free media, and so forth. But those times are times when our basic independence GIVES us those freedoms-it's attached. But if you try to be free, no rules, no worries, than those freedoms will most likely be taken from you.

And one last thing.

We can be independent from everything but sin. Sin is everywhere, and the only way to rescue us from that is to put or trust in God. God and ONLY God can save us from sin. He can grant us that ultimate independence that can rescue us from the all pervading tyranny of the Devil. And with that independence comes freedom in Him, and the ultimate promise-eternity with the one who makes us free, who gives true independence. 

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