Friday, July 12, 2013

God is on your side-if you are on His

WHEN I was six, I started writing books, short stories, and "publishing" them amongst my family and friends. When I was a young and ambitious seven year old, I even wrote a book about dinosaurs (that was the astounding length of somewhere between six and ten pages long) and told my dad that I wanted to get it published! Of course, most young people have such crazy ambitions as these.

And then what happens?

Well, sometimes it's the parents that finally break the news to the kiddos that they aren't actually as good at writing books or riding bikes or braiding hair or doing makeup as they profess to be. Or sometimes the children simply lose faith in themselves and give up on all but the things that seem to actually be achievable-the modern worlds take on "growing up." But is there another way?
I'm thirteen now, and I have learned a lot (but still not enough) since I was seven. But even though my parents told me that that particular story wasn't "long" enough to publish, they never told me that I wasn't good at it. They told me there was some room for improvement (there always is), but they never told me I couldn't do it. In fact, they saw that I COULD do it and so they wanted to encourage that.

So now, again, I am thirteen and I am still writing my stories. I've actually published some eBook short stories on, and I am writing still more. I'm doing it because I love doing it, I'm decent at it and most of all, I want to prove that anything is possible with Faith in God.

Consider David for example. The handsome, good looking shepherd guy in the gently rolling hills of picture perfect southern Israel. There is just one problem. The Philistines are attacking the northern garrisons again, and Israel has gone to war. But David, being young, and having a responsibility of taking care of the family livestock, has to stand by and watch his brothers go to war. But before that happens, Samuel comes, and out of all his brothers HE is anointed the future king of Israel. HIM. The SHEPHERD. The UNEDUCATED shepherd. I know how surprised I would be.

So, long story short,  Father Jesse wanted to send the Bros a care package, so David takes it over. When he gets there, he sees this guy who looks like hes been to the gym every day of his life, and is about as tall as a telephone pole, with 12 fingers and 12 toes, and a spear "The size of a weavers beam". That's like, what? Twelve feet? He could make Jew-kabobs out of the army of Israel! Slow roasted, cooked to perfection...Anyway, the Israelite are scared to death, (More like scared of death) and David looks up at this guy and he's like; "You kidding? This guys a pushover, though pushing him over might make another Grand Canyon. We've got GOD on OUR side! You really thing this guy can even hold a candle to him?" Now his brother knows how ambitious he is and sees that he's gonna go out there and wipe the grin off that giant's ugly mug. He knows that if the Philistines kill the "Champion of Israel", whoever they choose to go out, then the Philistines become the masters of Israel by agreement. So he blows up at David, like; "You fool! Who are you trying to kid? Your not gonna be anything special! SAUL, KING SAUL, is too scared to go out there. Who are you? Go home, kid. You don't belong." (Of course, that's the Message Version. ;-) ) But David goes out there not caring what his bro said. God is with him.

An interesting note, when David goes to the stream, he picks up five smooth stones. Does he think he's gonna miss? Maybe not. See, as we learn later, Goliath was one of FIVE brothers. FIVE stones. FIVE brothers. With the power of God, David was fully intending to kill each one of the five. (He didn't get the chance-his mighty men got to them first.) Another long story short, David kills the giant, marries the princess Michal, (Pronounced mee-HAL) Saul's lovely daughter, and after a few mishaps, becomes king.

So, if a little boy from the Israeli version of Kansas or Kentucky can beat the living daylights out of Goliath, what can you do with God's help? I can write books, play instruments, and aspire to do great things, and that's great for me, and I know God can help me do that if it's his will, but what can YOU do? What goals do you want to achieve? No matter how impossible it may seem, GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE IF YOU ARE ON HIS! Wow! I mean, that's great! Talk about employee benefits! He promised is that he would help us, guide us and protect us, if only we would trust in him. So what are you waiting for? Put your trust in the Lord of Lords today!

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